Harry potter fans; cue your midnight queuing and fervent reading over the weekend – But wait!, as here too lies what could be another unmasked script…
Rumours are that the latest (and ‘greatest’?!) from Ms Rowling has been leaked through the screen already.
Book bandits have scanned copies of the US edition onto various sites (and no I am not providing links that would only spoil things more!). Reports are that the quality is not up to much, but nothing that a brief play on Photoshop will not be able to reveal.
Potter’s popularity is highlighting one of the most recent and important debates on Web 2.0; that of ownership, copy right and the role of the promotion spoiler – hmm almost sounds like the title of another potential book...
When the ultimate in self-promo peculiarity Prince launched his CD ‘free’ with the Mail on (last) Sunday this seemed to leave a bad taste in my mouth (not to mention ringing in my ears). Some how it just seemed ‘wrong’ to follow such shameless self over-endorsement when the very essence of pleasure is that of coming across a book, or album all by yourself (yes despite the marketing ploys) and that sense of chase and uncovering of something new. I dislike things being thrust upon me in a shambolic fashion and hope those pilfering Potter ‘fans’ do not ruin it all for the rest of us. As for Prince he shall remained filed under ‘R’ in my CD collection, for Rubbish, Rescue me and (do not) Resurrect.
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