Ok, so I am a little late in the day with this post in terms of timing, but last months (how retro2.0 of me) Wired Magazine had an article (and cover) led by Julia Allison.
I'm sorry, Who?
Oh you too. Well there could (finally) be a leading lady in technology and with enough kudos to be on the cover of Wired. Prestige indeed. In short, no is the answer that you are looking for. And lets stay with ‘looking’, because essentially that is all we should equate with Ms Allison. She is a brand, to be looked at. And a very clever one too. Let me explain, she has friends in all the right technology places including, Randi Zuckerberg (sister to Mark, of Facebook fame and fortune), Choire Sicha (former managing editor of Gawker), the ‘Virgin’ Richard Branson and of course leader of the pack Chris Anderson (Wired editor). As well as her own MySpace, Twitter feed, numerous websites, YouTube exposure etc.
So do Ms Allison do? Well she is highly skilled, and can ‘bounce’ and ‘giggle’ in all the right places, with just the right amount of accompanying spandex and glittery eye makeup to hold interest and, according to Anderson, ‘captivate’ her audience.
‘What a woman’. ‘What a role model for Girl Geeks, and technology equality’, I hear you cry!
Oh sorry wrong sort of crying there, *sob*. Pass me the Kleenex.
It’s not that I don’t rate Ms Allison, there is clearly much to admire (aside from the spandex) from a woman that has so brilliantly (and dedicatedly) branded herself as a technology superstar. From her beginnings as a lustful med-student-pursuer, ‘I realised I had a thing for doctors’ she simpers, to official I.T. Gal, and self-nominated (with pride), ‘douche bag’ across her Twitter stream, MySpace page (and no doubt Facebook), as well as her personal website, xojulia.com. As with her previous sites, juliaallison.com, itsmejulia.com, and juliajuliajulia.com together these provide the commentary to every moment of her spandex-ualised life.
Well snap my knicker elastic.
So it seems that my own affiliations with Girl Geekdom, can now be laid to rest, as we have resolution. Nay, a new Girl Geek figure-head in the form of Ms MeatSpace.
Could this be the solution to the promotion of Girl Geeks? Answers in lipstick and with a pout only please.
Another version of this blog is posted at Girl Geekdom